Friday, October 10, 2008


Well yesterday Mandy stood alone without support!!! She will be 10 mo on the 21st and is much full of life. She is really crawling now. She can get on knees and hands, but still prefers the army crawl. She is used to being roughed around by her big sisters and LOVES it! These are some pics of her crawling and just having fun.
She is such a joy to us. We are so blessed to have 3 little blessings when we didn't think that we ever would. They are each truly one of a kind and unique. They all have their special ways of doing things and sharing their love. Thanks so much for your love and support with these sweet things.

Awana missionary night

Well this is Rachel as Marilu Evans Ryser for Awana missionary dress up night. Most people didn't even know that she was Rachel. Shd had so much fun. She wore this short blonde curly wig which totally changed her looks. She also won a prize for most inventive costume.

Brooke was Melissa Abott and a nurse. She wore one of my lab coats and a stethascope with her hair pinned up. They both looked so very cute that night that I don't think we passed one person that night that didn't smile and then laugh at jus how cute they looked.

I tell you that these girls LOVE to dress up and are rarely in normal clothes throughout the day. It is really fun to see all the people that they try and dress as.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good report

Well Rachels teacher called me today and wanted me to know how Rachel is doing in school. She said that she was the first in her class to count to 130 all by herself. She is always the first to raise her hand, answer the questions. She already knows her abc's, numbers, months, days, years, seasons and her calendar. She is also learning several verses at a time in preperation for grandparents day in Nov. She is proficient in Colossians 3:23-25 and she is learning all the the 10 commandment verses. On top of that she is learning about 5 extra verses a week for Awana. Please pray for this young one who God has given the ability to learn quickly and for us that we can encourage her bright mind in a way that is pleasing to God.

This was taken today as she and Brooke played dress up. She was a pretty dancer.